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FILLED Postdoctoral Associate

The Cogan Lab (PI: Gregory Cogan) at Duke University is seeking a post-doctoral research scientist.


Research in the lab focuses on understanding the neural mechanisms that support and enable speech production, verbal working memory, as well as the development of neural speech protheses to restore neurological function. We work with invasive human neural recordings from a range of functional surgery patients (e.g. epilepsy, DBS, tumors) both in the monitoring unit (SEEG and ECoG) and in the operating room where we use high density/high channel-count electrode arrays (up to 1000 channels, ~ 1 mm spacing) in collaboration with the Viventi Lab (


The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Neuroscience, Engineering, Computer Science, Psychology, or a related field. A strong track record of related research publications is required. Proficiency in Python and/or Matlab and experience with electrophysiological signal analysis is advantageous, as is a strong computational background.

Duke University is an excellent and highly interdisciplinary place for research. Collaborators span multiple departments/institutes including Biomedical Engineering, the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology and Neuroscience Department, and the Department of Neurosurgery.

Interested applicants can send their CV, a cover letter describing your research interests, and the name and contact information for two references to: gregory dot cogan at duke dot edu

Official Duke Ad

The position is open until filled.

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